Monday 8 August 2011

Summer 2011

Having a month holiday this year in June at first was disappointing because there was a Urantia fellowship international conference in Salt Lake City I wanted to attend in July and a  Urantia campout on Vancouver Island in August, but it unexpectedly gave me an opportunity to work in the garden for days on end. This year has been an absolutely incredible summer, many hot and sunny days, but the month of  June was just perfect with weather that was not too hot or cold, a bit of rain, but sunny days. Weeding and degrassing and moving perennials was the first thing to do, that is real grunt work and hard after a winter of not bending over much. After a few days it got easier and after seeing the results and watching how quickly the plants were growing, it became very satisfying.We had a few days of continually ridding our lilies of lily beetles and ultimately were able to save them, last year they were destroyed when we were on our trek to Montreal for the Urantia Family Festival.

 The next step was buying the annuals and planting the gardens and the planters. This is just never ending until the stores run out of becomes so addictive. We visited just about every green house in the city and found different plants and trinkets every where we went. Planning what to put in planters is an ever changing endeavor, it is really trial and error and discovering what works best and where, we are always moving planters around to different locations throughout the summer.

Along with the plants we built a trellis that enters the garden and a playhouse for our grandsons. Both of these have been really nice additions.
Here are a few shots of the gardens. The clematis has just started as we built a new shed last year and had to move them.

I created a little gnome house with a tree stump, and my wishes came true when my little 2 year old grandson was examining it.

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